
You can add all kind of different fields to your document to collect information from your clients.

Types of fields

Entity: it allows you to match the common information that you can find for an entity, whether it’s a physical person or a company. (ex: name, address, profession, company name etc…)

Textfield: allows you to input plain text in your document.

Dropdown: Will enable you to create a multiple choice list whether from scratch or a more advance one that you can build or import and save to a later use.

Checkbox: allows you to reveal or hide information in your text by checking the box.

Date: allows you to change the format of the date and choose the current day by default.

Number: enable you to add a number in different format and in different currency.

Upload (coming soon): allows your recipients to upload files into your document. Supported file types will be: .jpg, .zip, .docx, .pdf; max size – 50mb.)

Add Fields

Juridoc’s automation uses matching fields among other resources, so to add a field to collect information from your recipient, it’s very easy. You need to:

  1. Select the text in the document you want to automate
  2. Click on the editor toolbox on the right column and select the name of the field that you want to add
  3. Write the question that will be linked to this field and display on the live version of your document
  4. All the changes you make are saved automatically, you don’t need to do it.

Make Fields required or optional

If a field is required, your recipient won’t be able to complete the document without filling out the field.

To modify this setting:

  1. Click on a field, navigate to the right-hand settings
  2. Switch on/off the checkbox for this field to be required or not.

Remove an automated field

  1. Go on hover with your mouse on the field you want to remove
  2. You will see a cross appear on the right of the field
  3. Click on the cross to remove the selected field

Add text input settings

  1. Add a placeholder to help the recipient when he will fill the field (optional)
  2. Add a default value that will appear on the document in live (optional)
  3. Add a supporting text to help the recipient with specific indication (optional)

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