
Version and timeline

These two features are intended to help you improve the transparency of the document negotiation process.

Versions are a way to keep track of multiple variations of the document, when you edit a sent document and/or upload a new document (in the case when you create documents via uploading a file like .docx).

You can download a version for your records.

In this help article we will explain how it works.

Availability with Essential and Professional plans

Version control

This functionality allows you to view and maintain different versions of the document from the beginning of the negotiation process to see in detail:

  • What has been changed
  • Who modified the text
  • When the change was made


The timeline allows you to see all important events in your document, such as:

  • X created the document
  • X invited Y
  • X entered and opened the “Contract Z”
  • The document “Contract Z” was approved by “X”
  • X stopped trading
  • X reentered the negotiation
  • Etc.


The chat enable you to standardize all the different communications canals in only one place: Juridoc platform

There are 2 chats built in the platform:

  • Internal chat: To discuss within your team about the document being approved
  • External chat: To discuss directly with your client without creating a task to be approved or not, each time!

All chats are registered into each document

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